Wednesday 20 April 2011


Just started doing the exercise DVD called 30 day shed by Jillian Michaels, Hello it is hard. Now I know why they say you can lost about 10 kg’s in 30days doing this video.
I am a beginner so I am  on Level 1, well she asks all to start on level 1, after my first day  of doing this video those 20mins felt like forever and my body was screaming at me, ‘WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO ME!! STOP!! but I carried on and feel happy I did a step closer to the skinny me.
If I was pregnant (which I am not) I would say I am like in this nesting or spring cleaning mode, or should I say winter cleaning mode. Getting rid of all the clutter in my house and life and weight is clutter, you can’t function at your best when you carrying around the extra weight (clutter) on your body. So tonight will be Day 2, and let’s see how we go. One day at a time.
I have taken down my measurements and current weight and at the end of the 30 day Shed I will take my  measurements again and see how much I have lost, in cms and weight.
I will post the measurements tomorrow and my weight you can see on the tracker on this page. So there is no cheating I promise.

Monday 18 April 2011

Week 3

Week 3

Welcome to Week 3.
Started on a bad note, my hubby as away this weekend, and on Friday night I was up most of the night with a sick daughter. But Went to weight in on Saturday and was .4 down. Not as much as I wanted to lose, but I was happy it was a lost and not a gain.
I have noted on a happier note my clothes are feeling looser which is a good sign, now we just need the kg’s to follow.

The rest of the weekend was a blur, due to the huge lack of sleep, taking care of a sick child; I didn’t keep track of my points.

I am back in full force this week. And hope to have a better lost this week. And hope not to eat too many of those chocolate Easter eggs.

Got my exercise DVD, 30 day shed, with Julian Michaels, I believe it is brilliant, so I received this weekend, and going to give it a go, to night.

Will update on how it was, I believe it is a full body work out in 28 mins.

Got everything ready for tonight, wish me luck.

Until next time.

Yummy Mum.

Tuesday 12 April 2011

On to Kick Ass Week 2. (14 weeks to go = 90 days)

Kick Ass week 1 didn’t go as planned, got the flu, so exercise was out. But who knows how many points the cough mixture and strepsils were that I kept taking.
As I result I gain.0.8 grams this week.

I am Challenge myself to lose as much as I can in the next 90days. Goal Date is the 9th of July 2011.

The penny has dropped so to speak and I am taking one day and one meal at a time, I am planning and have found this new sense of excitement.

With the flu now almost gone, eating under a very watchful eye, I shall starting exercising again, but this time at a slow rate than before and hopefully I shall not get sick again. I am normally out the starting blocks running, where I think walking and working my way up will be a lot better. So to speak

I am still drinking my 2.5 litres of water a day, and mixing things up abit in the food department. Let’s hope all this hard work and planning pays off on Saturday with my weigh in.

Until next time,
Yummy Mum

Monday 4 April 2011

Let's begin Kick Ass Week 1

As I sit here on a Monday morning hanging my head in shame, I didn’t go weigh on Saturday, to be totally honest,  I just couldn’t, not like I had a bad week, I just needed to have a break. I was tired and my daughter had me up most the night so I chose to lay in abit then waking up early and waking my not so well daughter up to go weigh.

I was pretty good this weekend, and even at a wedding I was good. I hurt myself as well this weekend, fell off a chair or should I say the chair moved away from me and I laid on the floor, so now I have a sore back too.

To top my start of the week, my chair at work is broken, just wont stay up, and I realised that everyone else’s chairs are working fine, why mine, cause I am the heavies person in our office, and with shame and quietness, I swooped my chair with someone else chair this morning. Too embarrassed for people to know.

So today and bit of this weekend hasn’t started all that great. And I am going to change that around and have a positive week and a great weigh in on Saturday.

I should be getting my Weight Watchers Recipe book later this week, cant wait.
This week I am not going to be going skipping, due to my very sore back, so I have decided to do some cycling and ab and arm working this week.

Sorry today is a day of bitching and negative energy. But this week is going to be a kick ass week and the weeks to come after this, so here is to Kick Ass Week 1.
Catch up with you all later this week. 

Cheers for now
Yummy Mum,