Monday 3 June 2013

Entered my First Run/Walk Race

I am half way through the Well Iam Challenge and I have lost 4.1 kg's already and about 18.5cms.  ( Which is a total weight loss of 15.8kgs since Oct 2012.)

I am execrise 5 times a week. I am starting to see the changes and my body has never been so sore and tired. I am really out of my comfort zone for sure.

My friend (Tish) and I have entered the Spar Ladies Race 5km, which is on the 23 June and then we have also entered the Total Sports Ladies Race 10kms , which is on the 21st of July. The exercise bug has bitten me for sure, I am  also really enjoying my Taibo and Kettle Bell classes.

Pushing  my boundaries and stepping out of my comfort zone, I did my first walking training session on Sunday, I was so sore, but the 45min walk was worth it, felt so much better.  I had to stop a few times my lower back was very sore, but I was "stupid" I wore my new Reebok for the first time on my 5 km, which I found out, was the wrong thing to do, I should have wore them in first.

so I have been wearing my Reebok trainers this week, so hopefully when I go for my 5km walk again this weekend , things go a lot better and I won't have to stop as much.

I am also going to be doing some Aqua aerobics classes while I am on 2 weeks leave. Don't laugh, I know I also have a vision of all old grannies in the class too, but after some research (googled it) I see it is a good way to help on the weigh loss journey. 

And to change things up abit.

chat soon
Yummy Mummy.