Thursday 23 June 2011


What is great fun. I have done about 4 classes, so far and I am enjoying them.
Not as boring as a normally aerobics class, and a lot more fun than a gym for sure.

What is so great there are woman of all different size and shapes there, we have a blast.
I need to work on my two left feet. I got with a bunch of mates and we have a good workout and a great laugh as well.

Even though I have been to 4 classes, I can feel the difference compared to when I first went, I am lasting longer and working up a sweat. And listening to great music at the same time.

Keep Skinny

Sorry I Have note Blogged….

What a wild and hectic few weeks, makes you realise how short life is and how you need to hold on to it with both hands.

Where do I begin, I guess in the beginning would be a good place to start.
My hubby’s Gran passed away, and we had all the family from far and near camping out at our place. So those two weeks everything went out the window, I tried my best to stick to my points and etc.

Then I was man down for a week with this terrible flu, as well as my daughter two, it was not fun at all. No rest when you also have a sick child to take care of too. Then back to work....
After beginning off work for a whole week, even if it was due to having the flu, I then returned, and battled through all the back log and etc. It is funny how when you off sick your co workers, don’t bother leading a hand, but when you are on leave, they do your work like a pro, no mistakes and etc.

After returning to work for a week and catching up, fixing the mistakes and etc,
I then had my week’s LEAVE, which was much welcomed. Did all my yearly checks.
Which lead to my SHOCK HORROR, news I received from the DR. I was not a Happy.

You see I have been having these heart palpations and they come and go no new meds and etc. so the Dr wanted to run some blood test, as everything sounds normal. So off I went to go visit the “vampires” and let them take the blood they need for the test.

After 5 very long days, for the test results, and they came in, everything is normal expect for my Cholesterol, that is high 6.6 and the Dr is not happy. So now I have 3 month to get it down, otherwise I will have to go on to Medication, which I don’t really want to do, as Hubby and I are wanting to try for baby 2, and you cant take this medication when you are pregnant. So I am hoping this new eating plan which I have also make sure stays in with my daily points helps bring down my Cholesterol.

That has basically been my last 6 or so weeks in a nut shell. Weight has stayed the same and no gains for loses, but all is understandable for all that has happened.
So now I push forward.

So until next time.
Keep Skinny.