
Here is a muffin mix that you can prepare when you have a moment, then store it in your fridge for up to 30 days. Whenever you feel like having a fresh muffin, pour some of the mixture into a muffin pan, add some extras (optional) and whip it into the oven. Enjoy!

8 Eggs
500ml Vegetable Oil
200g Bran
10 cups Nutty Wheat
2 litres Milk
600g Brown Sugar
50ml Bicarbonate of Soda
10ml Salt
20ml Vanilla Essence

1. Beat the eggs and oil together until well emulsified.
2. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix until well combined.
3. This mixture keeps for 1 month in the fridge. When you want to bake muffins, do so in a buttered tin, at 180°C for 15-20 minutes.
4. Variations: Grated Apple, Grated Carrot, Grated Cheese, nuts and seeds, blue berries, raisins, dried fruit, banana and cinnamon, butternut.

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