Tuesday 19 November 2013

Almost Half way ... 6.5kg's to go.

I apologise for not blogging sooner. It has been a while.
I am in my 3rd 12 week challenge , it started off on a bad note, I got terribly sick and was out of action for about 3 weeks.
But I am now back, to my exercising routine and eating plan.

I have to work hard this challenge ends the first week of January 2014.
I am going to bring in the new year, at 96.00kgs or lighter that is my goal and that is what I am working too.

I must say my Diet and Fitness coach Kelly Stegen, has had such patience with me and she is brilliant, helping me. As a mom she understands the ups and downs that comes with motherhood, she has and is such a motivator and keeps me going.  Here is her website http://kellystegen.wix.com/kell

I am getting tired and just want to it to be over with , but I need to keep going I keep reminding myself how far I have come, and I don't want to go back. I keep reminding myself, there are people out there that are hoping I fail, I know it is sad but true. You get people like that, in this sad world.

So far 22 kg's down,and 10 pant sizes down.

Until Next time, Keep Strong and Keep going.
Love YM.

Wednesday 3 July 2013

The Body adapts

Got one week left of the Well I am Challenge. I haven't lost the amount of weight I wanted to lose, but I have lost in Cm's and I have gone down 2 dress sizes. Yippy (happy dance)

My Body adapt very quickly to my exercise routine, so I need to change things up , which I have been told.
So I have add a small 15 min workout in the morning, (I know I am mad, it is hard getting out that warm bed) and then also added cycling to my evening workouts as well.

The end of this challenge is not the end nor is it the end of the weight loss challenge.
I have signed up for the Total sports Ladies 10kim race on the 21 July.  Also I have signed up to do another 12 weekend challenge end July.

Trying to keep myself going and not give up , when things don't go to plan.

Until next time.
Good Luck.

Monday 3 June 2013

Entered my First Run/Walk Race

I am half way through the Well Iam Challenge and I have lost 4.1 kg's already and about 18.5cms.  ( Which is a total weight loss of 15.8kgs since Oct 2012.)

I am execrise 5 times a week. I am starting to see the changes and my body has never been so sore and tired. I am really out of my comfort zone for sure.

My friend (Tish) and I have entered the Spar Ladies Race 5km, which is on the 23 June and then we have also entered the Total Sports Ladies Race 10kms , which is on the 21st of July. The exercise bug has bitten me for sure, I am  also really enjoying my Taibo and Kettle Bell classes.

Pushing  my boundaries and stepping out of my comfort zone, I did my first walking training session on Sunday, I was so sore, but the 45min walk was worth it, felt so much better.  I had to stop a few times my lower back was very sore, but I was "stupid" I wore my new Reebok for the first time on my 5 km, which I found out, was the wrong thing to do, I should have wore them in first.

so I have been wearing my Reebok trainers this week, so hopefully when I go for my 5km walk again this weekend , things go a lot better and I won't have to stop as much.

I am also going to be doing some Aqua aerobics classes while I am on 2 weeks leave. Don't laugh, I know I also have a vision of all old grannies in the class too, but after some research (googled it) I see it is a good way to help on the weigh loss journey. 

And to change things up abit.

chat soon
Yummy Mummy.

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Well Iam Challenge

I signed up for the 13 week on line Well I am Challenge, this is week 3 and
 I have already lost 5kg's. ( Happy Dance)

I am not going to lie, it has been tough, juggling a full time job, being a Mother of 2 and wife and finding time for me , so I can exercises.

I know it has been 5months since I blogged. but as  I stated things have been rather hectic.

Bringing Sexy Back !!!

Thursday 1 November 2012

I am Back - bringing Sexy Back !!!

Helllllooooooooo out there,

I haven't been blogging for almost a year, alot has happened this year, between the Miscarriage, my work moving, falling pregnant and having our baby girl. Now it is time to get back to the drawing board and start on my weight loss journey.  

Needing to lose a total 41.3kg's.  So the long and worthwhile road to weight loss and better health has began.
I have already lost my pregnancy weight 14.6kg's , so now the real hard road begins.

I hope you are still all there to help and support me with this long road?

I realise it is going to be a hard one, with 2 children to look after, one which is still breastfeeding, and a husband to look after as well. 

Exercise is on the back burner for now, until I have my 6 week check up with the Dr.   Which will be on the 3rd December 2012.

I know this has been a stop & start process for me until now, but while pregnant the healthy eating and fitness bug had bitten me, and realising what I need to do and all the hard work I need to do,

I have two beautiful children that I want to be able to run and play with and not be, tired and to uncomfortable to be active with my kids.

I have started my Skinny Jean fund, putting money away with every loss, towards me buying a pair or two of Skinny Jeans. ;-)

Here is to a thinner, and more health Mommy & Wife.

I am going to be bringing Sexy Back !!!

Tuesday 22 November 2011


This pass Saturday I did the 3 hour Zumbathon, for ECR Toy Story. We Raised about R6000 and about 5 black bags full of toys for the children for Christmas.

It rained the whole week, and we were hoping mother nature would be on our side, no such luck, it rained on Saturday as well.

we had about 50 odd Ladies there,it was great fun, it was a double bonus, it was for a great cause as well we got a workout too.

I didn't go weigh this weekend as I had to be at the rugby club at 7:30am. So but I will be weighing in this Saturday Morning.
I am getting bored, I am trying to come up with new recipes and push pass this point, as this is the point where I would normally throw in the towel and give up.
And I refuse to give up. I will lose the weight I need to lose.

So until next week.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

So far a Total loss of 5.4 kg’s……

Well the past 5 weeks, I have lost a total of 5.4kg’s, this weekend the wheels fell off, but I am back on track again.  I heared a very good saying today, “a runner can’t run while looking be hide him, he looks forward.” So what is done in the past is done, and no use looking back all the time, as it is going to slow or stop us from moving forward.
Got 3 hour zumbathon this Saturday, to help raise money for ECR Toy story and get fit at the same time. One doesn’t have to do all 3 hours, you can do as much as you want and stop and start as well. Looking forward to it. Hope to get the energy levels up and the weight down some more too.
For some reason this week has been hard claiming back on to the wagon.
But I am taking one day at a time. I like get the weightless e-club newsletters and I saw the success stories. Blow away on the amount of weight people have lost. And yesterday on my way home, hear Jane lanely Thomas talk about her 18 kg weight loss. It can be done.
Good luck and chat soon.
Yummy mummy.