Wednesday 3 July 2013

The Body adapts

Got one week left of the Well I am Challenge. I haven't lost the amount of weight I wanted to lose, but I have lost in Cm's and I have gone down 2 dress sizes. Yippy (happy dance)

My Body adapt very quickly to my exercise routine, so I need to change things up , which I have been told.
So I have add a small 15 min workout in the morning, (I know I am mad, it is hard getting out that warm bed) and then also added cycling to my evening workouts as well.

The end of this challenge is not the end nor is it the end of the weight loss challenge.
I have signed up for the Total sports Ladies 10kim race on the 21 July.  Also I have signed up to do another 12 weekend challenge end July.

Trying to keep myself going and not give up , when things don't go to plan.

Until next time.
Good Luck.