Wednesday 25 May 2011

Stayed the same

Went to weigh last Saturday, and I stayed the same, which I was happy with, I have started exercising more and did my first Zumba class last night, what a laugh, so fast pace, but I am sure as soon as I get the hang of it, it will be easier to follow.
been very strict with my points, counting every gram, hope this week, it all pays off.
got to get my health into order, been getting heart palpitations, so off to the Dr in June to get it all checked out.
out keep time, keeping is skinny.:-)

Friday 20 May 2011

Things are looking good.

Sorry I have not Blogged, life has had a few curve balls lately, but the weight and the mind set , seem to be in the right place.
I lost 1.2kg’s two weeks ago , but I didn’t go weigh last week, reason because I just didn’t feel like it. But have had a good week and will be going tomorrow.

My work is moving, so going to have to rearrange my life, going to have to be getting up lot earlier than normal and etc; life is going to be upside down until we get into the swing of things again that is for sure.

Been doing my exercise DVD and I can feel the a change.
Been wanting to try ZUMBA, so next week, I am going to be throwing that into the exercise mix, and see how I go.

Well that is all for now, I will blog this weekend and fill you in on my weigh in.

Also got some recipes I want to post as well.

Cheers for now.

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Another gain, Epic Fail….

.8 up this week, 2 weeks in a row, I got told don’t lose hope; it is my body trying to figure out what is going on, with me starting to exercise. Well, Hello I am also trying to figure what is going on. I am watching my portion sizes and exercising and still my weight is going in the wrong direction.  
I am working hard for a loss this week; I am crossing my fingers and toes that all this hard work is going to pay off soon.
Everything is taking time the cm’s are coming down slowly, still cant fit into most of my clothes.
I am just feeling rather low point at the moment.
Chat soon.